Agrabodhi College


School is the second home of any student, so Agrabodhi college is my second home. Actually, Students not only get basic education but also learn how to interact with society in school. Agrabodhi is the school I attended since my childhood. It is located in Kanthale town, a small area of Trincomalee district. Furthermore, my school is the best and only national school in Trincomalee. The principal of my school is Mr. Kalum Herath. And also, students from grade one to grade thirteen study there. Indeed, around 3000 students are studying here, and more than 100 teachers are teaching.

Agrabodhi college is a very famous school among the people of Trincomalee district.

I can confidently say that my school has all the facilities that students need. In fact, the school has an attractive environment and a lot of space for students to study easily. And also, there are 15 buildings, and they consist of 2 floors. Furthermore, our school has 2 laboratories, 2 computing labs, a canteen, a medical center, a library, and a large ground. However, all the classrooms have high quality chairs, tables, electric fans, and light bulbs so the student can concentrate on their studies very well. Indeed, the board, including the principal, has worked hard to create a calm environment, so it is very helpful in maintaining the mental health of the students. I would like to say that as soon as someone enter our school that person will see a beautiful, designed pond on the left side, the Buddha statue on the right side and large trees beside the road in school.

We all know great people like doctors, engineers, teachers, managers, politicians, and businessmen are produced in a school.  Agrabodhi College is also a school that has produced such excellent people through a good teaching process. In fact, teachers work to inculcate not only knowledge but also good attitudes in student’s mind. Actually, teaching is done not only in Sinhala medium but also in English medium. Although a school in a difficult area, the school provides all practical facilities for students studying science, mathematics, and computer science. However, students and teachers all work according to a set of rules which help a lot in maintaining discipline in the school. I can proudly say that many students at our school are getting good results in Trincomalee district for ordinary level and advanced level exams.

Agrabodhi college has extracurricular activities like sports, writing, reading, debates, singing, and dancing competitions. Furthermore, every year in the months of January and February, our school sport meet is held grandly. And also, a cricket tournament is held every two years with another competing school in Trincomalee district. We call this cricket tournament a big match. My opinion is that through these extracurricular activities’ students are able to escape from monotony.

Due to the reasons mentioned above, our school is very famous in Trincomalee district. Agrabodhi college has developed like this because of the interest and dedication of the principal, teachers, and students. Finally, I have to say that I was lucky to study in a school like this.


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