Maya Movie was directed by Mr. Donald Jayantha (Sri Lanka,2016)


Maya movie has been produced on the basis of a social problem. It has become very popular among the audience as horror, thriller, action, and comedy movie. This movie is similar to another movie because it is an adaptation of the Tamil movie Kanchana. It was written by R. Sadesh Kumar and directed by Donald Jayantha. The actors are Pubudu Chaturanga (Malan), Ranjan Ramanayake (Maya), Shehara Hevadewa (Shaini), Giriraj Kaushalya (Gamini), Nilmini Kottegoda (Geeta), and Upeksha Swarnamali (Malan’s sister-in-law). Pubudu Chaturanga and Ranjan Ramanayake were the main actors in this movie. They have done their job brilliantly. This movie is suitable for teenagers, adults, and children to watch. Maya movie is not only horror movie because sometimes it is like a comedy movie.

Maya is a valuable movie that teaches a good lesson to society. This movie proves that justice always wins, and injustice always loses.

This movie is about ghosts who came back to get revenge from the culprits. The main characters are Maya and Malan. The director has created wonder in the minds of the audience by showing mysterious ground at the beginning of the movie. Actually, Malan is the man who is very afraid of ghosts. When the Malan and his family were having a good time, ghosts unexpectedly entered the Malan’s body. Those ghosts are Maya, Ramu, and his son. I suppose with that incident, a big change happens in Malan’s life. Indeed, Maya had to face many problems since her childhood also because she was a transgender woman. Meanwhile she was living happily, a politician unexpectedly killed her and stole her land. Finally, Maya got revenge from the murderers with the help of Malan. My opinion is that the director used suitable places and actors for the movie. Further the background music and the photography were done excellently. And also, this movie conveys both of sad and happy moods. Sometimes there are some violent scenes used in the movie, but it is appropriate for children to watch.

Main actors in the movie


This movie shows the reality of society and the politicians. The main strengths of this movie are the exemplary theme, talented actors, right locations, and the best directing. As I think there are no weaknesses because this is such a great movie. This movie is so entertaining because of the Malan’s fear of the ghosts. Actually, he is a very impressive character. I agree with the message of this movie because the message is if you make a mistake, it will come back to you someday. Further the screenwriter, director, and the actors have done their job successfully. The lesson I learned from the movie is that we should always live fairly, respects others and their opinions. The biggest benefit of watching this movie is knowing how to deal with society properly. I recommend this movie to everyone.

The purpose of this movie is to teach us that justice always wins, and injustice always loses. And also, the movie proves that good people (like Malan, Malan’s family, and Maya) still live in this society. If we did sins nature also punished us. Finally, as human beings we should always respect others and their opinions.


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